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    Now reading: berghain was struck by lightning so everyone took their clothes off


    berghain was struck by lightning so everyone took their clothes off

    Nice try, Thor.


    The atmosphere at Berghain was electric this weekend as the iconic Berlin nightclub was struck by lightning. According to various reports, the strike blew the venue’s air conditioning, switching on the emergency lights and causing hot and humid clubbers to disrobe in the name of clubbing.

    “People took off their clothes because the place became a sauna, never saw so many topless girls and boys in a club,” wrote DJ T on Facebook. “At Berghain the emergency light went on and couldn’t be switched off for hours. I will never forget that view from the iron stairs down on that ocean of naked flesh waving and pulsating.”

    DJ Barker — part of the Berghain-signed DJ duo Barker & Baumecker — tweeted: “[It] was like a sauna / solarium, but nobody left the dancefloor, it just felt like a never-ending breakdown… everyone waiting for the drop.”

    With no reported injuries, it’s almost a pity lightning doesn’t strike the same place twice.


    Text Matthew Whitehouse
