Donald Trump’s difficulty pronouncing “Beyoncé,” a person he apparently likes, has spawned over 3.5 million Vine loops. Beyoncé doesn’t need to summon the Cheetogorgon by name to make it known that the fandom is not mutual. This afternoon Bey, who performed at Barack Obama’s inaugurations in 2009 and 2013, gave her official endorsement to the Women’s March on Washington, a giant assembly in protest of Trump’s unprecedented douchebaggery scheduled to take place this Saturday.
“Together with Chime for Change, we raise our voices as mothers, as artists, and as activists,” Beyoncé wrote on Facebook today. “As #GlobalCitizens, we can make our voices heard and turn awareness into meaningful action and positive change.#WomensMarch.” Gucci’s Chime for Change campaign boasts Beyoncé as a co-founder and helps raise funds and awareness for women’s health, education, and justice.
Beyoncé was a vocal supporter of Hillary Clinton throughout her presidential campaign, performing (in a pantsuit) at a get-out-the-vote concert in Ohio just days before the election. She also appeared alongside her husband Jay-Z in a TIDAL video endorsing the Democratic nominee. Beyoncé’s sister Solange, meanwhile, has given women a bonus reason to head to DC this weekend. Solo will perform at an alternative inauguration “Peace Ball” tomorrow night in celebration of the process achieved throughout Obama’s two terms. Props to the Knowles fam for promoting community and action on a weekend we’d quite like to spend getting drunk in bed.
Text Hannah Ongley
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