For Dior’s 2019 Cruise show back in May, Maria Grazia Chiuri presented a collection inspired by Mexico’s fearless female Escaramuzas rodeo riders, in Europe’s largest stables, the Château de Chantilly in France. It’s not hard to see where this inspiration came from. In a typically male-dominated field, the Escaramuzas perform elaborate stunts on horseback in traditional Mexican dress. It was once more an opportunity for Chiuri to celebrate inspiring women from around the world, and also paid tribute to the cultural richness of a country Christian Dior was long fascinated by.
To celebrate the collection, the brand invited eight female photographers, from or living in Mexico — Pia Elizondo, Tania Franco Klein, Flor Garduño, Maya Goded, Cristina de Middel, Ruth Prieto Arenas, Paola Vivas and Fabiola Zamora — to shoot the designs against a backdrop of the country’s most beautiful landmarks. From the Escaramuzas stables, to the Modernist house Cuadra San Cristóbal by the architect Luis Barragán, this new video takes us behind the scenes.