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    Now reading: hallelujah! stranger things is going to run for longer than we expected


    hallelujah! stranger things is going to run for longer than we expected

    Can’t it just go on forever?


    It’s been a great start to the spookiest (and best) time of year — this Halloween season we’ve already been promised an IT sequel with an official release date, and a Hocus Pocus update (but without the original cast, boo), and now we have even more good-but-spooky news, because we’re getting more Stranger Things than we ever expected in our wildest dreams.

    Okay, maybe that’s an exaggeration, but still, it’s good news. While Stranger Things was initially conceived as a four season deal, its huge popularity means Netflix bosses are reconsidering, and now the creators might give us a fifth season of the show, which returns for its second season on 27 October.

    Executive Producer Shawn Levy told EW: “Hearts were heard breaking in Netflix headquarters when the Brothers made four seasons sound like an official end, and I was suddenly getting phone calls from our actors’ agents.”

    But don’t get too excited just yet. While we’re getting a bonus season, Stranger Things co-creator Russ Duffer says the show won’t be longer just for the sake of it, and the bonus fifth season will just be used to wrap up loose ends in the gang’s story. He explained: “I think there’s going to come a point where ‘why aren’t these people leaving Hawkins?’ Like, we’re going to stretch credibility. It wasn’t intended to be a seven-season thing.”

    Shawn added: “The truth is we’re definitely going four seasons and there’s very much the possibility of a fifth. Beyond that, it becomes I think very unlikely.”

    Online petition for 11 seasons of Eleven, anyone?

    Read: Finn Wolfhard stole our hearts as plucky Mike Wheeler in the binge-worthy Stranger Things; now he’s set to steal the spotlight in the big-screen version of Stephen King’s terrifying clown thriller, IT.
