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    Now reading: How to take action online in the wake of George Floyd’s death


    How to take action online in the wake of George Floyd’s death

    Learning, talking and protesting are crucial. So is donating to the fundraisers working on the frontline.


    In the wake of the death of George Floyd — a 46-year-old African-American man, killed by a white police officer in Minneapolis on 25 May — the world is rightfully racked with anger. Even at a time when one viral pandemic tears across the planet, clearing our cities’ streets, the murderous pandemic of anti-Black racism that long predates it mercilessly carries on.

    On social media there’s been a stream of posts and reposts calling for action. While this outpouring of empathy and rage is, of course, a welcome, appropriate response — as long as no violent video or imagery is shared — let it be stressed that the act of sharing a post, no matter how well-intentioned, does not make for tangible action.

    What’s needed is activism and uncompromising, proactive allyship. Being a better ally, though, is not an easy task. Reading, listening and discussing amongst your peers is crucial, but online, the most effective action you can take is to put your money where your mouth is. By contributing material support to funds, charities and activist initiatives, those working tirelessly on the ground to combat deep-rooted structural racism can be better equipped. To give you an idea of where best to donate, here’s a list of a few organisations that you can support in Minnesota, the wider United States, and beyond.

    Update from The Minnesota Freedom Fund: “With solemn gratitude, we have been flooded with tens of thousands donations large and small, totalling around $20 million dollars. We now encourage people to generously donate to George Floyd’s family and other local organizations, especially those which are Black and BIPOC led, and which are working to lift up communities, end police brutality, and build a more just future.”

    Reclaim the Block is a community led-initiative calling for the Minneapolis and city council members “to move money from the police department” and into communities that need it.

    Black Visions Collective is a black LGBTQ+ led charity dedicated to developing Minnesota’s “emerging Black leadership to lead powerful campaigns”.

    George Floyd Memorial Fund has been set up by George’s sister to shoulder the funeral and legal costs that have come with his death.

    The National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP) is a US-wide organisation whose mission is “is to secure the political, educational, social, and economic equality of rights in order to eliminate race-based discrimination.”

    The Southern Poverty Law Center (SPLC) is dedicate to combating racial hate and bigotry, using “ litigation, education, and other forms of advocacy” to work towards equal justice.

    Black Youth Project 100 is “is a member-based organization of Black youth activists creating justice and freedom for all Black people.”

    Stop Hate UK is a UK-based service for victims of race hate crimes, founded in 1995 in direct response to Stephen Lawrence’s murder.

    Show Racism The Red Card is the UK’s leading anti-racism educational charity using “educational workshops, training sessions, multimedia packages, and a whole host of other resources, all with the purpose of tackling racism in society.”

    The Black Women’s Health Imperative is a US-based organisation created and led by black women “to help protect and advance the health and wellness of black women and girls.”

    The National Black Women’s Justice Institute aims “to reduce racial and gender disparities across the justice continuum affecting Black women, girls, and their families, by conducting research, providing technical assistance, engaging in public education, promoting civic engagement, and advocating for informed and effective policies.”

    The Black Alliance for Just Immigration has committees in New York, Georgia, California and Arizona that seek to “to organize and advocate for racial, social and economic justice” in African American and Black immigrant communities.

    The Movement for Black Lives is an “ecosystem of individuals and organizations creating a shared vision and policy agenda to win rights, recognition, and resources for Black people”. You can sign up, sign their petition and donate.

    Undocublack Network is for current and formerly undocumented Black people in America that “fosters community, facilitates access to resources, and contributes to transforming the realities of our people, so we are thriving and living our fullest lives”.

    The National Bail Out is a Black-led and Black-centred collective of abolitionist organisers, lawyers and activists.
