After two years of living in locked-down London, grappling with a wave of Bubonic Plague, Shakespeare emerged with ten new works. Among them? King Lear, Macbeth and Antony and Cleopatra. Then again, without thousands of quarantined followers hungry for documentation of his daily outfit, what else was he going to do?
A global health crisis has a way of making most things feel trivial, and right now there are few industries that seem more superficial than fashion. Still, even in self-isolation, people are shopping… and turning to online muses for style direction. But what if their favourite influencers are also holed up in sweats, navigating a lessened workload and even lower morale? From the Carlson sisters to comedy kings, we checked in on Instagram’s most fashion-forward to see how they’re faring — and if they’re still getting dressed up with nowhere to go.

Evan Mock
Currently: Connecticut
Describe your relationship to your clothes/approach to dressing during a pandemic.
Honestly, I dress to impress (myself, that is) all year, so I’m kind of taking this time to focus on the essentials of life and making sure I feel more comfortable than ever in a time of isolation.
Do you have a self-isolation uniform?
My uniform the past few weeks has been a Supreme cheetah coat, Air Jordan retro 4’ black cats, Calvin Klein underwear and an RVCA red stitch plain white T-shirt. Oh, and white Uniqlo heat-tech socks.
What’s your self-care process? Do you have a go-to method to reduce anxiety?
My go-to methods for feeling aye-oh-kay are long showers followed by my daily skin care routine.
What do you do to make yourself feel attractive, even if you’re not leaving the house?
— Read a book.
— Drink coconut water.
— Call my Ohana in Hawaii.
— Create a list of things I can be doing while in quarantine, as well as things I want to accomplish when this is all over and we are able to roam the world free like we’re used to doing.
— Find a charity you would like to help raise awareness for a cause you believe in.
What advice would you give others spiraling in self-isolation?
— Do something you never thought you’d do.
— Break your normal habits.
— Challenge yourself.
— Help others (via Facetime haha).
— Drink water.
— Watch all the movies you should know line for line.
— Buy a camera online or something that will help you document the time we’re currently living in, because I truly think this is a historical time right now and I think it will be very valuable to look back at this moment and remember what you were doing.

Lillian Ahenkan AKA FlexMami
Currently: Sydney
Walk us through your daily quarantine-routine.
It’s much like my regular routine because I’m a freelancer who works mostly from home, however I’d say that during Rona’s reign, I stay up much later, sleep much longer and leave heaps of room for creativity. Bedtime has usually been around 4am, wake up at midday, shower, brush my teeth and sigh. I’ll probably have some juice and eat a roll up. Then answer FlexMami emails and execute the digital work that I still have coming in. Think about going for a walk. Don’t. Then check out Flex Factory emails, sales and digital ad performance. Create some content for Instagram while watching copious amounts of Netflix. Start a DIY project – over the last few weeks, I’ve painted a table top, illustrated some chihuahuas and made smoothie recipes. Then I do all of the above again and again until it’s bedtime.
Describe your relationship to your clothes/approach to dressing during a pandemic.
Much like my regular routine, dressing up is for leaving the house. I understand the theory of dressing up to positively impact creativity, but I’m managing fine without. I also don’t want more washing up to do, hehe.
Do you have a self-isolation uniform?
The uniform is undies and a big T-shirt. All day, every day.
What’s your self-care process? Do you have a go-to method to reduce anxiety?
Everything in moderation. Do what feels right at the time. Do what propels me closest to feeling good. Sometimes that’s distracting myself with day dreaming and other times it’s creating something.
What do you do to make yourself feel attractive, even if you’re not leaving the house?
Showering and putting my hair in a slick ponytail will do it for me every time.
What advice would you give others spiraling in self-isolation?
It could be worse.

Devon Lee Carlson
Currently: Los Angeles
Walk us through your daily quarantine-routine.
— Wake up and cuddle my dog, Martin, and my boyfriend Jesse :).
— Go downstairs, make celery juice, then matcha, then coffee.
— Watch my sister make me breakfast while I learn TikTok dances.
— Work on my computer on Wildflower till like 2 or 3pm.
— Find a distraction, either a new series or cleaning out my sister’s closet.
— Take some IG pics.
— Watch my sister make dinner… sometimes while I drink wine.
— Eat dinner with my family.
— Make dessert with my sis. We made M&M cookie and ice-cream sandwiches last night.
— Watch a movie or an episode of Tiger King.
— Go upstairs, take a bath, get in bed and watch Grace and Frankie until I fall asleep.
Describe your relationship to your clothes/approach to dressing during a pandemic.
I’ve been in my pajamas all day until I take a shower (lol). I did put on a dress yesterday, which felt really fun but it only lasted a couple hours until I was back in sweats.
Do you have a self-isolation uniform?
Fuzzy socks are a full essential for me or my new fuzzy-lined Crocs. Besides that, you can find me in a few variations of a tight crop tee and the baggiest sweats I can find in my sister’s closet.
What’s your self-care process? Do you have a go-to method to reduce anxiety?
I love a bath. Adding oil and epsom salt, and the fresh Sugar Lychee Bath cubes make it so much better. I’ll put on an episode of UNHhhh (Trixie Mattel and Katya’s YouTube series) and just fully relax.
What do you do to make yourself feel attractive, even if you’re not leaving the house?
A sheet mask and a matching pajama set or new lingerie.
What advice would you give others spiraling in self-isolation?
This is only temporary and we will get through this. Let this experience change the way we live our regular lives once this is over and not take anything for granted and appreciate the little things.

Sydney Carlson
Currently: Los Angeles
Walk us through your daily quarantine-routine.
— I wake up (later than usual…I’ve been sleeping in) and put on sweatpants.
— I go downstairs, make coffee and start breakfast while watching Devon try to learn a new TikTok dance.
— After breakfast I work on Wildflower stuff (while occasionally snacking).
— Then I usually put on a face mask, go on a walk with my parents, edit or take photos, just find something to occupy my time.
— Then it’s time to research what to make for dinner! I love cooking for everyone, so I then turn into a master chef and begin preparing for dinner.
— Dinner always takes some time to cook… so Dev and I occasionally pour a glass of wine and continue to learn TikTok dances.
— Whole family sits down to eat dinner together (best part of the day tbh).
— Devon and I have a huge sweet tooth… so we come up with something to make for dessert.
— We all then usually pick a movie or new show to watch (been loving Dave on Hulu!).
— I go upstairs, brush my teeth, wash my face and get ready for bed.
— I usually lay in bed and play on my Nintendo Switch until I’m too tired and go to sleep.
Describe your relationship to your clothes/approach to dressing during a pandemic.
I am a sweatpants hoarder and they now are all getting put to use lol. The days I’ve put makeup on and taken photos I really only changed my shirt… but kept sweatpants on. I’m saving my cute outfits for when I can finally go out to my favorite restaurants.
Do you have a self-isolation uniform?
I’ve definitely been keeping it cozy! The days that are hotter, I’ll throw a swimsuit on and lay outside then put comfy sweatpants right back on. Comfy over everything.
What’s your self-care process? Do you have a go-to method to reduce anxiety?
I’ve been super into skincare whenever I start to get in my head about being stuck inside. I have so many products I never got around to using and now take the time to relax, do face masks and keep myself glowing and fresh.
What do you do to make yourself feel attractive, even if you’re not leaving the house?
I’ll do my makeup and take some pics or try on new clothes I haven’t worn yet. I’ve also been letting my hair be natural this entire quarantine (which I normally never do). It’s growing on me and making me love it.
What advice would you give others spiraling in self-isolation?
We all are feeling the same way! It is such a hard and scary time right now, but it calms me to know that you’re not alone. Pretty much everything is uncertain at this time… It really makes you appreciate being able to go outside, see your friends and be grateful for the life you have.

Benito Skinner AKA Benny Drama
Currently: Los Angeles
Walk us through your daily quarantine-routine.
Ok, so I wake up, read my news app, and immediately feel anxiety and stress at the current situation. To appease it, I watch Katie Jane Hughes and Celine Bernaerts do their makeup on Insta, immediately feel a little better, and make myself a cup of coffee. I usually wake up with dry skin, so I also like to put on a little bit of oil, just to make my skin a little less desert-like. After answering some emails or finishing up a sketch script, I’ll shower and make sure I feel a little less groggy and more like a human being.
Describe your relationship to your clothes/approach to dressing during a pandemic.
I love my clothes so much, but they are definitely getting a little break for the time being. I’ve been sticking to the most comfortable clothes I own, and things that a pasta stain would not destroy. I do have all my jewelry on every day because it makes me feel like myself! You know, like the olden times?! I’ll change from baggy jeans during the day to sweatpants at night to really keep everyone on their toes!
Do you have a self-isolation uniform?
During the quarantine, I’ve pretty much stuck to my Entireworld grey sweatsuit (it’s heavenly, I highly recommend), Noon Goons T-shirts and maybe a Rowing Blazers rugby if I’m feeling like giving my boyfriend a show. But not wearing my camp-collar shirts and light jeans feels very strange to me. I look at them in my closet every morning like, “Hey girls! Sending you love and light. Miss you.”
What’s your self-care process? Do you have a go-to method to reduce anxiety?
I’ve been taking baths lately. I recently moved to LA and they have those here? So, I’ve been bathing like a young prince! Definitely helps me de-stress. And then my skincare game has been over-the-top lately, but it feels necessary. I think I’ve used every single Drunk Elephant, Dr. Jart, and Paula’s Choice product on my face during the quarantine. If the world ends, I’ll be glowing honey.
What do you do to make yourself feel attractive, even if you’re not leaving the house?
Drunk elephant have these anti-pollution bronzer drops that make me feel CUTE. I usually do one pump, but during the quarantine I’ve been doing two (it’s the little things, kids!). And I’ll do my hair every day just to feel a little more like myself. Maybe even blow-dry it if I’m feeling extremely energized and flirty!
What advice would you give others spiraling in self-isolation?
Find those outlets (shows/books/cooking/Insta accounts) that make you feel even a little bit better. Shower in the mornings so you feel like you are still on a schedule, enjoy some self-care on your skin and body and give yourself a break if you’re feeling overwhelmed by the situation. My boyfriend and I have also been doing FaceTime happy hours with friends and family. TBT to human contact! Even though it’s not as good as the real thing, it does make the day a little bit better and less isolating.

Chloe Vero
Currently: New York
Walk us through your daily quarantine-routine.
As soon as I wake up (which could be anywhere from I’m big on dance parties from 6am – 8am). I will usually call a friend or mom and see what their plans are for day. It’s nice to check in with friends and see how their feeling, and oftentimes, they inspire me to be a little bit more productive or to be easier on myself. I’ve been working on being active while in quarantine so I like to do yoga. I’ll answer emails and read a little bit. I always find the time to do something for the mind. By then it’s lunch time and I might catch up on a show or listen to a podcast while I eat. While being in quarantine, my days usually end early so I might do some Bass practice, get in the kitchen or play video games for a little. Sometimes I do it all! I’ll end my day with dinner, maybe some wine and a movie or a good book. Maybe put on a face mask and get ready for bed which has become my favorite part of the day.
Describe your relationship to your clothes/approach to dressing during a pandemic.
There are definitely some days where I just want to be comfortable, but I do find joy in making myself feel good even if I’m stuck at home. Some days I’ll wear all one color because it makes me feel like I’m doing something. I’ve been trying to get more creative with what’s in my closet and even dressing to theme with the shows that I’m watching.
Do you have a self-isolation uniform?
It depends on what I’m doing for the day. If I’m baking, I love wearing jeans, my apron and a button-down shirt. I also love putting on a good scarf. It just makes me feel put together especially on days where I want to skip doing my hair and just focus on doing something that makes me feel good. Some days it’s a combo of what kind of crazy tights and bodysuits I can wear around the house just to feel cute!
What’s your self-care process? Do you have a go-to method to reduce anxiety?
I don’t go a morning without meditating. It’s one of the few things that has kept me from feeling anxious. I also try to make sure that I stick to my daily skincare because it gives me a sense of control over my day.
What do you do to make yourself feel attractive, even if you’re not leaving the house ?
I always take those days as a sign to nurture myself. So, I’ll usually do some good skincare, maybe add a mask and some treatments. Deep condition my hair and maybe give myself a mani-pedi. I’ll make myself a well-rounded breakfast and try to eat healthier so I don’t feel too drained.
What advice would you give others spiraling in self-isolation?
We’re all in this together! Anxiety is not easy to deal with, but acknowledging the spiral is the first step so you should applaud yourself for that. Try to do something at home that you don’t normally do, it can give you something new to focus on. Try a dance party at home — put something fun on, blast that music and shake it out. It’s also okay to just sit and cry and watch a movie too. I’ve done plenty of both activities.

Carly Russ
Currently: Los Angeles
Walk us through your daily quarantine-routine.
I’ve been trying to keep a routine and get up at a decent hour — it was my birthday weekend so we have been staying up kind of late, but I’m usually up around 10am. I put on some music (The Mamas and The Papas on repeat is good to keep the anxiety down) and make some tea and feed the dogs. Then it’s about a solid hour of the dogs barking at squirrels while I go through emails before I reach my breaking point and take them for a walk. After lunch I work on my vintage business, Vintage Valentine, putting together stuff to post online for an Instagram sale and organizing the showroom, luckily it’s right next to my house.
We’ve been getting adventurous with our dinners so it’s usually a good two to three hours of cooking after that. My fiancée and I have been taking this time to work on a lot of music so he records all day and after dinner we usually are ready to track vocals. I wish I could say I read before bed or something, but it’s been a ton of Netflix and movies I didn’t have a chance to see when they came out. Sometimes I feel guilty, but I also think this is a really stressful time, so there’s no reason to stress more about how you’re choosing to spend it.
Describe your relationship to your clothes/approach to dressing during a pandemic.
It’s gone in waves really. I’ll spend two or three days in sweats and big T-shirts and then just be sitting there and go put on a sequined top or something for no reason. Like I said, it was my birthday so we got dressed up and had dinner in the living room with candles and our fireplace booming which was really fun. I also dyed my hair pink which has been keeping me entertained.
Do you have a self-isolation uniform?
I’ve put a lot of miles on my leopard robe… and food stains. But really, I’ve been rotating crop tops and biker shorts. And in the past week I’ve been shooting a lot for my vintage website, so getting to dress up in cute outfits like as if I was going out has been keeping me sane and busy.
What’s your self-care process? Do you have a go-to method to reduce anxiety?
My dogs are a big help… when they aren’t barking. I think eating well and staying off Instagram are my biggest self-care methods. It’s also so easy to get into junk food when you’re stuck at home, but that’s so closely tied to your mental health since your stomach is your second brain. Instagram has actually been a really good source of info in this time, but you reach a certain point where you cross the line between being informed and just being beaten down by things you can’t control. Also FaceTiming with people and staying connected to my loved ones. And you can’t forget lots of face masks and baths.
What do you do to make yourself feel attractive, even if you’re not leaving the house?
I make my fiancée tell me I’m cute five times a day. Just kidding, putting some makeup on will always give me a little boost and doing my nails to get a fresh paint job.
What advice would you give others spiraling in self-isolation?
I’d say first off, don’t put any unnecessary guilt or anxiety on what you’re choosing to do while quarantined. Make smart and healthy choices, but if you need to binge Netflix and eat pizza to get through this, that’s what you need to do. Don’t put pressure on yourself to make art or finish five books, that’s just more stress. Also reach out to friends and family and FaceTime them. It’s physical distancing not social distancing. Keep your personal community close.

Currently: Los Angeles
Walk us through your daily quarantine-routine.
— Wake up, take care of hygiene, then stare at my phone for a few hours until my vision gets a little worse than it already is.
— Read one to five pages of a book.
— Would love to say this is the time where I start making music, but that time has now been replaced with researching information about COVID-19 and what we can do to help our current situation… Which means more staring at my phone.
— Cook.
— Watch a stressful movie or binge a new series. Sometimes this step gets replaced with playing online video games with homies AKA the new link up.
— Hit up friends and family and remind them they’re not alone in the madness.
Describe your relationship to your clothes/approach to dressing during a pandemic.
I haven’t really been dressing up during the pandemic, but I definitely have been online window shopping for new clothes to add to the collection. I’m also gonna start wearing every T-shirt I own as each day passes and that’s about 100-plus tees (post-goodwill and thrift donations SMH). I wear my gold chain and gold bracelet everyday, they never come off.
Do you have a self-isolation uniform?
My self-isolation uniform is definitely these Stüssy patchwork pajama pants I own and every band, Stray Rats and Stüssy tee I have. Sometimes I’ll throw a hat or beanie on just to feel like I’m going somewhere. I own almost 50 hats.
What’s your self-care process? Do you have a go-to method to reduce anxiety?
Cooking always feels good for the mental. Recently, I’ve been practicing different breathing exercises and doing guided meditations via the Internet. Also have been reading this book called Quiet Mind — you can open any page and find a new challenge to ease the mind.
What do you do to make yourself feel attractive, even if you’re not leaving the house?Moisturize and throw this fire whipped shea butter/coconut oil product on my hair!
What advice would you give others spiraling in self-isolation?
Advice, which I don’t like to give often, would definitely be to appreciate the time we have staying still where we are, instead of reminiscing so much about the times we had before all of this. Appreciate now — no matter what that is — because it could change at any time. Also, it’s time we take care of Mama Nature because she’s been trying to tap in with us but we’ve been leaving her on read!

Salem Mitchell
Currently: Los Angeles
Walk us through your daily quarantine-routine.
I wake up hopefully before noon (my sleep schedule has been so off since going into quarantine). I shower, do my skin care routine and then I make breakfast. After breakfast, I do something fun like watch The Office, work on a puzzle or listen to music. Midday is when I get a bit more productive. I take a walk or jog with my boyfriend, practice driving (since I’ll be testing for my license soon), and I do my daily exercise routine. Toward the evening I cook dinner, clean the kitchen, shower and change into something new. I end my night by watching my favorite show, YouTube videos, reading, and scrolling through Pinterest until I get tired.
Describe your relationship to your clothes/approach to dressing during a pandemic.
I make sure to change clothes each day and night, but I’ve been cozier than usual. I think for some people getting dressed up each day is important, but for me I cook at least twice a day and I can be a little messy, so I prefer to wear things that I won’t feel too bad about potentially staining. I probably put more effort into putting together a nice workout outfit each afternoon. I definitely still accessorize my cozy outfits though. I love gold jewelry so I’ll throw a pair of hoops on and a few of my necklaces.
Do you have a self-isolation uniform?
I usually wear nice sweats, track pants, cute underwear sets and different comfy t-shirts.
What’s your self-care process? Do you have a go-to method to reduce anxiety?
What’s worked for me is maintaining parts of my routine that are still possible, continuing to do my skincare routine everyday, creating an exercise routine that’s similar to what I would be doing if I were able to attend classes and getting fresh air each day. I fill the holes in my usual agenda with all the things I claim I never have enough time for because of work. That includes learning recipes, cleaning neglected areas of my home, calling my grandparents, writing and reading. As a creative, I also spend a lot of time on Pinterest creating boards for shoots I can execute at home as well as boards for shoots I’d like to execute with others when this is over. It helps keep me motivated and reminds me things can still move forward after.
What do you do to make yourself feel attractive, even if you’re not leaving the house?
Some days I get dressed up in a cute outfit, I’ll put my contacts in instead of glasses. I’ll do my make-up. I actually have a goal to master the perfect eyeliner by the end of this. I try to take photos even if it’s just selfies or a self-timer polaroid as opposed to a full shoot like I’d normally be doing. It helps me feel attractive as well as gives me even more of a reason to get ready. My boyfriend and I live together and we’ve made sure to continue to have date nights in the house and get dressed up as if we were going out and that’s been really sweet too.
What advice would you give others spiraling in self-isolation?
This is a hard one. Everyone is dealing with their own problems based on job field, financial situation, mental health and specific quarantine conditions. Overall, I’d say remember that life and this year isn’t entirely over because we have to self-isolate. The things you wanted to accomplish can still get done but in a different frame of time. The places you wanted to go will still be there in the future. Keep in touch with those you would usually be seeing and those you haven’t been able to dedicate time to due to the craziness of “normal” life. Sending love and connecting with others can go a long way on both ends.
Try to develop healthy habits, I read that it takes around three weeks to start to develop a habit. For me, I’ve been doing the same exercise routine everyday since self isolation started to hopefully have it instilled in my body as a habit by the time this is over. Lastly, make a goals list of things you can do within your space and try to get as much done as you can.