This story originally appeared in i-D’s Utopia in Dystopia Issue, no. 362, Spring 2021. Order your copy here.
I love Kate Moss.
Kate Moss is just like many of us. She likes Dairy Milk, barbecues and doing silly dances. She is unlike most people though in that she is also a supermodel, and thus very famous.
I don’t live in London anymore, having moved to the USA, and am often asked by Americans to comment about the best things in the UK. I love the pub. I love the love-hate relationship with the Royal family. I miss my family. I hate the rain. One of these things is already on a bank note, and the rest probably shouldn’t be (sorry mum). I always perk up, however, when I remember Kate Moss, who encapsulates what I really miss about home. She seems really fun – her friends must like her because they’re really loyal – and she likes roast chicken. She also seems cheeky, a word I can never explain properly when asked to. All these things point towards a really great person regardless of her being very beautiful.
Maybe Kate Moss could be on a bank note, but I think she would find that ridiculous, because her face is already almost everywhere, and she doesn’t seem to take herself very seriously. Kate answered the below questions to accompany her shoot by Jamie Hawkesworth, in which she wears some great vintage T-shirts.

Hi Kate! i-D wants to start 2021 off with a good vibe, of which you have many. What’s a good technique to stay calm and collected?
Speaking of vibes, what song puts you in a good mood right now?
“Modern Love” by David Bowie.
How was the shoot?
The shoot was great and I love working with Jamie. He used an 8×10 camera, which is quite rare nowadays.
Do you have a treasured vintage T-shirt?
I have an old Fleetwood Mac T-shirt that I love.
What would you say to a young person who was feeling lonely at the moment?
Call a friend.
How do you make your friends smile?
Doing silly dances.
Did 2020 change you at all? If so, in what way?
It made me slow down and take more time for myself.
Were there any highlights?
I had an outdoor barbecue party for my daughter’s 18th, which was really cute.

When we’re allowed to have a proper party, what would you wear? Something chiffon that I can waft around in.
What is your relaxation routine on the beach?
I find it hard to sit still on the beach, so I listen to music and dance around.
What’s something you’ve discovered since having your own agency?
How much fun it is developing new talent. I get so excited when they confirm jobs.
What’s something you’ve been happy to see change in the fashion industry?
That the models are more protected and better looked after.
Can you tell us something expensive that’s actually worth it?
My country house!
And something cheap that’s even better?
Dairy Milk chocolate.
What’s the best thing about London?
My friends who live there.
And what are your words to live by for 2021?
And breathe…

Photography Jamie Hawkesworth
Styling Max Pearmain
Make-up Lisa Butler at Bryant Artists using Les Fleurs de CHANEL and CHANEL Le Lift Lotion.
Set design Danny Hyland at Streeters.
Photography assistance Cecila Byrne, Shahram Sadaat and George Hutton.
Styling assistance Emma Simmonds.
Producer Sylvia Farago.
Producer Madeline Jensen.
Production assistance Sophie Hambling and Ollie Shipton. Casting director Samuel Ellis Scheinman for DMCASTING.
Model Kate Moss at Kate Moss Agency.