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    Now reading: get ready! kevin abstract is teasing a new project


    get ready! kevin abstract is teasing a new project

    The boy from Brockhampton has been sharing clips on Twitter for what could be a new solo album.


    Ah the popstar tease, a staple in today’s social media reliant music market. We can’t escape them. From countdowns to GIFs, artists drip feeding us tidbits about new music they’re working on is the stuff that feeds our hungry souls. This week, the teaser comes in the form of Brockhampton ringleader Kevin Abstract, whose Twitter feed has turned into an enigmatic slew of mysterious clips and images.

    It all started on March 20 when Abstract shared what looked like the cover of an album. The picture, a close up of his face all wet, also had a “Parental Advisory – Explicit Content” sticker on it. This was followed by a video on March 27 that contained the phrases “Teach me Empathy”, “Teach me how to feel” and “ARIZONA baby”, all set to what could be new music.

    Now Abstract has shared another teaser clip. This time, it also seems to contain a proper taste of a song. Wearing a white vest, the 22-year-old can be seen climbing a ladder and rapping along to a track. As with the previous clip, the phrases “Teach me Empathy” and “ARIZONA baby” flash up on the screen. Currently, it’s unknown whether the footage and snippets are from a new Brockhampton album or from a different Kevin Abstract solo project.

    Last year it was announced that Brockhampton had signed a five-album-deal with RCA Records. It’s unclear whether that deal, rumoured to be worth $15 million and said to cover the release of six albums over three years, includes the release of solo projects by the various members of the band.

    Either way, whether it’s a new Brockhampton album or a solo project from Kevin Abstract, we’re very much ready for it.
