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    Now reading: kristen stewart is the latest actor to call out misogyny in hollywood


    kristen stewart is the latest actor to call out misogyny in hollywood

    ​"Hollywood is disgustingly sexist. It’s crazy"


    “Hollywood is disgustingly sexist. It’s crazy. It’s so offensive it’s crazy.” Kristen Stewart declared in an interview with Harper’s Bazaar UK. Stewart explained that “women inevitably have to work a little bit harder to be heard” in the industry. This is something Stewart speaks on with clear authority. She was 18 when Twilight hysteria began, subjecting her to endless critical media attention. And she isn’t the only female actor openly critiquing the inherent sexism in Hollywood. Carey Mulligan also recently called the industry “obviously massively sexist“. We’ve moved well beyond establishing whether or not this is the case in Hollywood: it is.

    The question now stands: what can we do about it?


    Text Isabelle Hellyer
    Image via Chanel
