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    Now reading: Mariah Carey spills the tea on her upcoming memoir


    Mariah Carey spills the tea on her upcoming memoir

    In a new interview, she discussed everything from ‘Glitter’ to her uncomfortable experience on Ellen DeGeneres’ show.


    You thought this year had brought enough drama? Well, think again! That’s right,  the queen of all divas, Mariah Carey, has stepped forward to shaking up this year’s searing coals by offering fresh insights into her forthcoming memoir, The Meaning of Mariah Carey.

    In a new interview with Vulture, she spilled sips of the scalding tea set to pour out from its pages. For the first time, we learn of everything from the story behind Glitter, Mimi’s ill-fated movie musical — one of “her working too hard, of succumbing to the exhaustion of sleep deprivation, and of her family betraying her.” We also learn of her personal experience of humiliation at the hands of Ellen DeGeneres when she appeared on her show back in 2008, when the now disgraced talk show coerced the pop diva into taking a sip of champagne live on the air in an attempt to reveal her pregnancy. “I really have had a hard time grappling with the aftermath. I don’t want to throw anyone that’s already being thrown under any proverbial bus, but I didn’t enjoy that moment,” says Mariah, demonstrating the grace and composure of the queen we all know her to be.

    In the interview, she also shares information about The Rarities, the compilation of unreleased songs and demos she’s releasing this year, 30 years from her eponymous 1990 debut album.

    Moreover, though, the book serves an opportunity to get people to butt the hell out of her career and personal life, both of which have been subject to constant, intrusive scrutiny since it’s earliest days. “Now, if people have questions, I can be like, ‘Please refer to chapter x,’ rather than me having to stick up for myself, protect myself, defend myself,” she says, “because we can all be wounded, but are we going to sit around licking our wounds forever?” Damn straight we aren’t, Mimi!
