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    Now reading: pamela anderson launches fur-free crusade on the white house


    pamela anderson launches fur-free crusade on the white house

    The former 'Baywatch' star and animal rights activist sent Melania Trump a faux fur coat after Inauguration Day.


    Unlike her predecessor, Melania Trump has generally resorted to buying off the rack since her husband’s election. (Ralph Lauren broke with recent fashion convention by working with the first lady on her powder blue inauguration outfit, and received a fair bit of blowback over it.) But there’s now a reason to feel positive about the FLOTUS being sent free clothes. It’s all thanks to former Baywatch star and animal rights activist Pamela Anderson, who gifted the first lady a new coat from a Russian faux fur brand, and received a belated thank-you letter in turn. What a time to be alive.

    Dear Melania,
    Thank you for your sweet note.
    It is heartwarming to see you
    manage your position with such beauty and grace.
    Pamela pic.twitter.com/h9mmdqxp0h

    — Pamela Anderson (@pamfoundation) May 3, 2017

    For her own part, Pam was pretty stoked about Melania’s Inauguration Day outfit. “I am so happy that you chose not to wear fur!” she wrote in a letter included with the gift, as per CNN. “As first lady, you will help set style trends, and by remaining compassionate with your choices, you will warm the hearts of many.” Ralph Lauren dropped all fur from its clothing lines back in 2007 after a meeting with PETA.

    Pam certainly knows a thing or two about forging unexpected bonds. She recently wrote a sexy political poem about her “special relationship” with WikiLeaks co-founder Julian Assange, in which she suggests that France join the US and UK for a threesome. The cruelty-free coat she sent to Melania was also in part a response to political divisions. “It’s a very dynamic political period, there’s a lot of negativity in America and I thought maybe I could somehow do something positive that could make a change and maybe send Melania a faux fur coat, because she has worn fur in the past,” she told Radio Times after sending the gift back in February. A quick Google Images search will confirm Melania’s past romance with very real-looking fur, though she won’t be breaking out the Russian-style rabbit hats and long mink coats come winter 2017. “She does not wear fur,” Stephanie Grisham, Trump’s East Wing communications director, told CNN.

    Given her husband’s propensity towards wildlife-endangering legislation and ketchup-covered steaks, it’s unlikely the POTUS is equally willing to change his ways, but it’s the little things that count.


    Text Hannah Ongley
    Image via Twitter
