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    Now reading: photographing the red hot street style of são paulo, straight up


    photographing the red hot street style of são paulo, straight up

    We took to the streets of Brazilian melting pot São Paulo, to meet the city's lovers, dreamers, and creators.


    André Luis Gonçalves, 18

    Where do you look to find inspiration?
    I have always found great inspiration in my family, especially my father. I have always loved the way he dresses.

    If you could ask the world one question, what would it be?
    What is our mission here?

    Loïc Koutana, 22, student / Raphael Lobato, 23, art curator and model 

    What’s the best advice you would give to a newcomer in your city?
    L: I was a newcomer two years ago. I would say don’t be scared to embrace the culture and the way it makes you reflect on your sexuality. R: Enjoy it. Open your mind.

    Where’s your favorite place to hang out?
    L: The center (“República” subway station), where I live. The center of São Paulo is so alive. R: All the gays and the artistic people live in the center. The parties are good here.

    Rafhaela Zyom Betiatom, 20 / Singer

    What do you do?
    R: I seek adventures, good energy exchanges, connections, my inner path.

    What’s the best advice you would give to a newcomer in your city?
    R: Go, move, explore!

    Heloisa Muniz Santos, 21, dancer and model

    Where do you look to find inspiration?
    My experience is my inspiration. The city I grew up, the friends I met, the places I saw.

    What do you think your generation will be remembered for?
    An empowering appreciation of who we really are and what we want to be.

    Saulo Oliveira Teixeira, 24, DJ and model / Camila Vaz Mateus, designer

    What do you think your generation will be remembered for?
    S: Being revolutionary when it comes to self-expression, and being very politicized. C: A generation of problem solvers.

    What’s the best advice you would give to a newcomer in your city?
    S: Bring a coat and explore the nightlife! C: Head to the beach!

    Eduardo Costa Reis, 28

    Where do you look to find inspiration?
    I look for my inspirations in my own story, and in the life story of my friends, and in the city’s flow.

    What do you think your generation will be remembered for?
    We will be recognized for continuing to militate, and going up each step until we reach a more plural and horizontal future in every way.


    Photography Julien Soulier
