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    Now reading: the weirdest wedding products you didn’t know you needed


    the weirdest wedding products you didn’t know you needed

    For her latest project, PZ Opassuksatit has created a book of the weirdest, wildest nuptial-themed items in the world. Like ‘Brides’ magazine on acid.


    “Nothing makes sense in PZWorld,” says PZ Opassuksatit, the Paris-based art director and evil genius behind the most eclectic catalogue of miscellaneous items this side of Slayer’s tour rider. For the first book from her namesake “enterprise and experimental laboratory,” PZ invited her friends from the fashion industry — Doublet, Virgil Abloh, Sarah Andelman, Alastair McKimm and the like — to contribute a handful of products, real or imagined, that they’d most like to printed on the pages of her multidisciplinary Argos catalogue from heaven (or hell, depending on what page you’re on). The result was a sell-out book published by IDEA that left you wanting products you’d never considered the existence of before. Put simply, it’s “a catalogue of the weirdest and wildest items that already exist or need to exist!”

    Her new project, PZWorld Weddings, brings together all the different products and services you could possibly need to make your special day, totally, utterly and overwhelmingly bizarre, in the nicest way imaginable. “Imagine PZWorld as your wedding planner and the contributors as part of our team,” PZ explains. “Each collaborator is given given a different category within the wedding universe… some contributed images, others texts, some collaborated with me on ideas and developed them into the real existing items. After we gathered all these amazing sources, I curated each item into the book, giving them a fun write-up.” Ahead of its launch at Comme des Garçons Trading Museum during Paris Fashion Week next Wednesday, we spoke to PZ about the project.

    Hi PZ. Your first book, PZWorld, kind of felt like reading an Argos catalogue on acid. This feels more like Brides magazine… on acid. Where did the idea come from?
    OMG! LOVE your descriptions! It all started back in a small cosy sushi restaurant in Soho, London, where I met up with Angela and Dominik [from IDEA Books] for some casual drinks. After we did a number of projects together, Angela asked me just out of the blue — how about making the next project a PZ book? The insane journey started there! After all the shock from how weird PZWorld vol.1 is, which apparently sold out at all locations, we thought why not we do a 2nd volume? And this time we take you to wedding! Prince Harry got married, Marc Jacobs got married, a number of my friends got married, even my neighbour got married and, most importantly, my big sister just got married this May… It’s truly the wedding season!

    But marrying someone is so complicated and it requires such a huge investment of money, emotion and energy. Why not make it as simple as going to Argos? Enter: PZWorld Wedding — the catalogue for all brides-to-be and bride-wannabes. This book has everything you need. Doesn’t matter if you’re single, married or divorced. My favourite 33 collaborators and I will make sure you live happily after — on a budget.

    Should we look to find searing critiques on consumerism, late capitalism and mass consumption in PZWorld, or would that be missing the point?
    It is true that the PZWorld format is an ironic take on consumption. But it’s not a critique. It’s all love and jokes. Mostly about everyday life. Like, for instance, the necktie that shows your relationship status depending which way around you wear it. Or the “I woke up like this and decided to get married” dress. All you need to do is wrap yourself in the “All by myself” blanket, apply a ready-to-go make-up mask, and put on a veil wig.

    Which products went into production?
    Lots are real collaborations. The T-shirt that compressed into an engagement ring box is collaboration with Doublet, that will be launching this October! The rice necklace vial is a collaboration with D’heygere. The single or taken necktie is a collaboration with Strongthe. The reserved Chair cover dress is a collaboration with Matthew Dyer. The All by Myself blanket is a collaboration with Georg Naoum. The how-drunk-are-you champagne glass candle is a collaboration with Olga Goose candle. And the Swan Towel bag, a collaboration with VeniceW, will be in production soon as well. Stay tuned.

    Some of these products feel like… where have you been all my life? Others feel like they’ve surfaced from the deepest depths of hell. Which products do you see flying off the proverbial shelves quickest?
    Probably tissue, ‘coz you might need it after reading this book. You’ll either be overcome by emotion or be crying or its sexiness.

    What items from the PZ Wedding catalogue would your special day not be complete without?
    Without you, readers!


    Instant Propose
    “One of my favourite items from Doublet is their instant noodle cup T-shirt. So, I thought, why don’t we do an instant diamond ring T-shirt together? Instant proposing… on a budget! All you have is to dip this ring box into the water and it says… yes, I do!”


    “27 Dresses is an iconic movie about bridesmaids. No one can fit this section of the book better than the one and only Harry Freegard and his 27 dresses. “


    Once Upon a Time Wedding
    “What’s your wedding dream? Being Shrek?, Marrying yourself? Marrying in a 1.4 mile long wedding dress? You can have it all plan in PZworld wedding.”


    Free Your Hand with D’Hygere
    “Have you ever tried waiting with rice in the palm of your hand? If yes, this D’heygere x PZToday rice necklace is your solution!”


    “First thing I had on my to-do list for the wedding theme was… “Chair”. I have always dreamt about making wearable chair covers. So I asked my best friend Matthew Dyer to collaborate and develop this product with me. It took us six months. The final prototypes were shot three days before the book’s closing deadline.”


    “Beijing Silvermine gathered all the photo negatives from a recycling plant on the edge of Beijing. This represents the “wedding afterparty” section of the book.”


    First Night Bed
    “Always make a statement on your first married night with bed decorations. I asked Esben Weile Kjaer, Danish artist, to make these. He went to IKEA with a bag of rose petals.”


    Till Death Do Us Part…
    “Valentin Herfray told me he wanted to be the darkest and most sorrowful part of the book, so voila, the funeral shop… “till death tear us apart.””


    The Wedding Album
    “I asked each contributor to send me their wedding archive images of themselves or parents. Virgil gave this to me, so I make it into his wedding album cover.”
