Netflix have released a list of horror films that people typically could only make it part way through before they switched them off to presumably call their mum, and demand she stay on the line while they pushed furniture against every door in their flat.
Question is — how do they know people switched it off because they were scared? How do they know they didn’t hit exit because they suddenly realised that the film was just crap? After all, The Human Centipede 2: Full Sequence is on the list. According to Forbes , Netflix says that if viewers really didn’t like the films, they’d have tuned out a lot earlier. Which may be overestimating the taste of our sordid post-sesh Sunday selves, but we’ll take it. Although good taste clearly isn’t the objective when it comes to horrors, especially when you consider the fact that Cabin Fever is on the list — a film with the lofty Rotten Tomatoes rating of 0%.
Below is the complete list of the scariest films on Netflixf and their trailers for your viewing, uh, pleasure?
1. Cabin Fever, 2016. Rotten Tomatoes rating — 0%
2. Carnage Park, 2016. Rotten Tomatoes rating — 61%
3. México Bárbaro, 2014. Rotten Tomatoes rating — 60%
4. The Conjuring, 2013. Rotten Tomatoes rating — 86%
5. The Human Centipede 2: Full Sequence, 2011. Rotten Tomatoes rating — 30%
9. Raw, 2016. Rotten Tomatoes rating — 90%
10. Teeth, 2007. Rotten Tomatoes rating — 80%