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    Now reading: The sequel to Spice World is coming


    The sequel to Spice World is coming

    I'm shaking, you guys!


    Next year will mark 25 years since the earth-shaking, utterly 90s movie Spice World hit cinemas, breaking box office records and racking up… middling to poor reviews from critics in the process. To celebrate that landmark achievement, the Spice Girls are planning on making a long-awaited sequel, much to the excitement of the girls, gays and theys. 

    According to (brace yourself, we know) The Sun, the girls are working on a new movie in the Spice Girls universe, bringing together Baby, Ginger, Scary and Sporty again. Posh, AKA Queen Victoria Beckham, has famously opted to sit out of Spice Girls affairs for the past decade, but apparently this may be the project to reel her back in. 

    Apparently Geri Horner (previously Halliwell) is the mastermind behind the project, acting as the band’s manager. She’s approached a “renowned” screenwriter to put together the script on the band’s behalf. 

    “The girls have been talking about how to mark the film’s anniversary and are actively considering making a tongue-in-cheek sequel,” a ‘film insider’ told The Sun. “They have approached a screenwriter who is considering working on the project and making tentative steps forward. It is still in the early stages but they are talking to established names in the business, which proves they are taking a big screen comeback seriously.”

    Whether or not there’s any truth to these rumours is yet to be seen, but it wouldn’t be surprising considering the good time the group seemed to have on-stage at their 2019 stadium tour. There were also plans to make an animated movie with Paramount that would feature all of the band as superheroes, voiced by the girls themselves, though where that project is in terms of development remains to be seen.

    Either way, it would be a pretty big moment for pop culture for the group to return to movie theatres after such a long time spent away from that setting. Now we can start considering which wild 2021 pop stars might make cameos in Spice World 2 to rival the original (Elton John and Meatloaf lol), and pray that there’s another crisps tie-in in the works.

    Follow i-D on Instagram and TikTok for more music and movie news.
