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    Now reading: teens’ snapchat horror movie gets feature release through ‘black swan’ producer


    teens’ snapchat horror movie gets feature release through ‘black swan’ producer

    Move over, Kylie Jenner — 'Sickhouse' is the first Snapchat saga to get released as a 'made-for-mobile' feature film.


    Selfie-style filming and shaky camera movements have always lent themselves well to horror movies, and Snapchat has both these things in bucketloads. In 2015, “Internet Girl” Bella McFadden became the first to achieve internet fame as a Snapchat scream queen. In February, Kylie Jenner filmed an epic horror entirely on her iPhone. So while director Hannah Macpherson’s “made-for-mobile movie” Sickhouse isn’t the first Snapchat horror to ever have been made, it is the first to ever get released as a feature film. Indigenous Media will be following up the movie’s live debut with a Vimeo one set to have its premiere on June 1. The creators of Sickhouse announced on Facebook yesterday that preorders of the film are available now for $5.99.

    Sickhouse follows a young group of Snapchat-obsessed friends on an adventure to a creepy house in the woods. “Don’t make noise, never go inside, always leave a gift on the porch,” says one of the peroxide vlogger-esque antiheroes. “You’re such a baby, of course we’re going,” says his friend. “It’s going to be amazing.” The film was watched by millions of people at various points over its initial four-day live release. Watch a very vertical 50 seconds of it below.


    Text Hannah Ongley
    Image via Vimeo
