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    Now reading: Can you really manifest things through orgasm?


    Can you really manifest things through orgasm?

    Not everyone is happy with their results, but the sexy success method does have a few dedicated disciples on TikTok.


    Formerly the reserve of hippies and specific branches of third-wave feminism, manifestation is experiencing a twenty-first-century revival on TikTok, with users reclaiming and reworking it to accelerate things with their crushes, secure dream jobs, or finally make that move to (or away from) the big city.

    Manifestation, or the practice of focusing on aspirations with the purpose of making them real, can be as simple as writing down goals in the hope that the universe will capture them. A brief history lesson, if you will: this practice originated with the Law of Attraction, innovated in 1877 by Russian occultist Helena Blavatsky, which posits that positive or negative thoughts can attract either positive or negative happenings. If the positive belief in a possibility is present, the Law of Attraction dictates its likelihood. 

    In a similar vein, the Grabovoi Numbers use Radionic signatures to manifest or amend ailments. TikTok is platforming the likes of the “manifest + flow” journal alongside hashtags promoting #shadowwork, which involves reconnecting with repressed elements of oneself in an effort to embrace the “dark side.” But fast gaining traction amongst a new wave of TikTok-influenced spiritual folk is the horny, allegedly ultra-powerful practice of orgasmic manifestation.

    Disseminated by TikTok users such as Annette Ackema (@sacralsecret), Delani Morgan (@submissiontosource), and Sia (@mamasolaris), orgasmic manifestation practices build on the ideas of traditional manifestation, positing that the euphoria of sexual energy can be used to mobilise or achieve life goals.

    Annette’s teachings focus on the relationship between sex and power, and have captured a new generation of sex-positive internet feminists: young, inquisitive women looking to explore their bodies and harness their sexual pleasure. “Maybe I need to learn to enjoy slower sex”, contemplates a viewer in her comments section. “Microcosmic breathing makes life better, OOOF,” writes another. The idea behind Annette’s content is a simple one: that sexual connection can intensify pleasure and help realise one’s goals.

    “I have always viewed my pleasure practice as a multi-part experience”, says Annette. “I don’t get into the central climatic pleasure part of it until I’ve done the shadow work. To manifest reality, you have to recognise the current patterns in the old self. The self that you don’t want to be anymore – this is shadow work,” she continues. “You cannot create a new reality without acknowledging the version of you that you don’t want to be anymore.”

    Annette emphasises that orgasm isn’t just a physical feeling: it epitomises creativity, which is the key to unlocking the power of orgasmic manifestation. When the rush of sex-released endorphins is channelled into achieving personal goals, that is when the orgasm has achieved its peak potential. “Orgasm is a peak, bliss state. It enhances our power of creative visualisation and amplifies our sensitivity,” says sex and relationship therapist Rhian Kivits, who leads a course in orgasmic manifestation.

    Physiologically, orgasm wields a myriad of benefits for both mental and physical wellbeing. “Orgasm has many positive benefits for our emotional and physical wellbeing. It floods our system with serotonin, oxytocin, and endorphins, and we can direct these resulting positive feelings towards our sense of optimism and worthiness,” says Rhian. “Learning to enjoy deeper, more pleasurable orgasms and understanding what makes us feel happy can be applied to our wider lives.”

    Orgasmic manifestation boasts many converts, and Chad* is one of them: he first learnt about orgasmic manifestation through a friend and began to watch YouTube videos to expand his knowledge. “I’ve used orgasmic manifestation to help me with my career and romantic goals, including with my creative work and to help me to attract a committed partner right for me. Every time I’d orgasm I’d manifest towards the idea of finding the guy of my dreams that would really know how to turn me on the way no one else can. And it worked!” We’re happy for you, Chad.

    Now in a relationship with “the partner of his dreams”, Chad has also applied this practice to group sex as Annette recommends, having used it with an ex-partner to work towards a common goal: “It was a powerful, beautiful thing. Channelling creative visions through my orgasms has definitely had a positive impact on both my business and personal life.”

    Despite positive testimonies, the utility of orgasmic manifestation is hotly debated online. Ophelia*, who works as a therapist and performance specialist, spent thousands of pounds on orgasmic training. She warns of its dark side: “Orgasm is sold as the way to get everything you want, but I’ve seen people experience psychological, financial, and sexual exploitation. The only people who seem to get rich are the people selling the courses, and I’ve seen many manipulated into selling the orgasmic dream to others, many of whom have deep wounds around sexuality and money. These people are vulnerable to unscrupulous teachers and self-styled experts and gurus.”

    In the throes of her engagement with the industry, Ophelia attended numerous international retreats and purchased a myriad of online programmes. As time elapsed, she began to realise that orgasmic manifestation, or the practices she was sold, was worth nothing more to her than superficial nonsense. “My partner and I focused our energies on selling our house. I got offers within two days, but both fell through. I did eventually sell the house, and I spent tens of thousands more of the proceeds on my orgasmic training. I wish that I hadn’t.” 

    Ophelia certainly isn’t alone in her concerns. Psychologist Silva Neves questions the validity behind orgasmic manifestation, viewing it as contrary to scientific practices. “Placing erroneous meanings on sex can create too much pressure, and believing in manifestation through sex and orgasm can create sexual problems as well as impact emotional wellbeing. It can take away from the essential parts of sex and orgasm as being time out, or a fun and pleasurable experience,” he says. “Sex should be nothing more than having fun with your body.” 

    Of course, there are believers in the practice for whom adding shadow work to sex is their idea of fun — at least if the TikTok numbers are anything to go by. That said, we should consider the crisis-ridden world we live in at present; in which millions of users are learning and attempting to shift realities. Pleasure cannot provide an answer to everything, but under the right circumstances, in which all parties are empowered and equal, it may make things a little clearer.

    *Names have been changed for the purpose of anonymity. 

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