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    Now reading: vivienne westwood breakdances to abba to protest fracking


    vivienne westwood breakdances to abba to protest fracking

    There’s only one true Dancing Queen, and it’s Viv Westwood.


    Just a few weeks after the Prime Minister butchered the Great British tradition of dancing to ABBA classics, Vivienne Westwood showed her (and the rest of us) how it’s really done, when she did an ABBA “breakdance” during a fracking protest in Lancashire this afternoon.


    It’s unclear what Theresa May thought she was achieving when she awkwardly shuffled on stage at this year’s Tory Conference to ABBA’s Dancing Queen, but if it was an attempt to distract us all from the looming threat of climate change and what an absolute mess Brexit negotiations are in then it failed miserably. Dancing shouldn’t be used to distract from important issues, you see, it should be used to highlight them. Obvs. That’s what Vivienne did today as she joined activists protesting outside the gates of Cuadrilla’s site in Lancashire.

    Cuadrilla, an oil and gas company, has just begun fracking, despite the tireless crusade of environmental campaigners who last week failed to convince the British High Court to stop the work going forward because of its devastating effect on the environment. The Cuadrilla project marks the first time fracking has taken place in the UK since 2011 (when it was blamed for causing minor earthquakes).

    A livestream of today’s protest showed Dame Vivienne, cloaked in trademark tartan and linked with another protestor, dancing as ABBA blasts from speakers. It’s not exactly breakdancing, but it’s dancing for a good cause — so Viv will always be our Dancing Queen. Sorry, Theresa.
