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    Now reading: watch the trailer for flying lotus’ new short film, ‘royal’


    watch the trailer for flying lotus’ new short film, ‘royal’

    Directed under the alias 'Steve,' the experimental producer turns his hand to filmmaking.


    Flying Lotus has revealed a teaser for his directorial debut, Royal, on Instagram. Having previously scored films including Eddie Alcazar’s FUCKKKYOUUU and Shia LaBeouf’s TrueLove, the producer has crafted his very own short, one he’s referred to as “an awkward love story that’s definitely not for the kiddies.”

    Premiering at Sundance NEXT Fest in L.A. on August 14, Royal looks set to be surreal and unsettling. Watch the trailer below, and prepare for manic screaming, vomiting and licking.


    Text Ryan White
