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    Now reading: wes anderson is making a movie about dogs


    wes anderson is making a movie about dogs

    Expect berets, barrettes, and lots of bones.


    It’s long been rumored that Wes Anderson hates dogs. Moonrise Kingdom‘s Snoopy was pierced with an arrow, The Royal Tenenbaums‘ Buckley was mowed over by a whacked out Eli Cash, and the Fantastic Mr. Fox‘s Spitz was fed a poisoned plate of blueberries. So let’s hope the director’s dog-related forthcoming film isn’t also his first foray into horror.

    According to Indiewire, Anderson’s Grand Budapest follow up is a stop motion animation that — like the director’s 2009 puppet-filled feature The Fantastic Mr. Fox – is also about animals; specifically, dogs. Perhaps it’s Anderson’s way of extending the olive branch (or bone) to all those mutts he’s offed in the past, as he’s well aware of his abusive reputation: “Well, I’ve killed dogs before in my work and it never goes over that lightly,” Anderson said at Cannes in 2012 when journalists lamented Snoopy’s untimely death.

    Our first concerns are certainly for the animated animals’ welfare, but our next are about their outfits. Anderson’s foxy crew basically predicted this season’s pajama runway trend, so we’re excited to see what the director’s dogs will be rocking.


    Text Emily Manning
    Image via Flickr user Wolf Gang
