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    Now reading: yung lean channels west world in his new short film


    yung lean channels west world in his new short film

    WANTED: a certain Swedish musician for the massacre of several cowboys.


    “A fugitive turns into a demon then a sad clown and finally becomes a man again.” And so reads the blurb below the visual accompaniment to Yung Lean’s third studio album, Stranger, out Friday 10 November, via his own YEAR0001 label. For seven and a half minutes we’re transported to the set of a western movie, where Jonatan Leandoer has a bloody face and a cute apprentice. The 21-year-old Stockholm-based musician is wanted for murder and his face (as well as the unfortunate ending of the film) tells us he did it.

    The best bit is at 1.08 when the music (a weird, wonderful trip through the warm and dream-like LP) cuts out and Lean’s bottle glugs satisfyingly in time, something we’re hoping is used as a sample on the record. Written and directed by Suzie and Leo, it’s a world away from Yung Lean’s DIY video beginnings.
