“In the last Batman movie [The Dark Knight Rises], they told me that I couldn’t get an audition for a small role they were casting because they weren’t ‘going urban’,” Zoë Kravitz has revealed in an interview with Nylon. “It was like, ‘What does that have to do with anything?’,” she adds, joking bitterly, “I have to play the role like, ‘Yo, what’s up, Batman? What’s going on wit chu?'”.
It’s not the first time the actor and musician has come up against this mysterious, euphemistic “urban” quality she has; as Oyster reports, earlier this year Kravitz said, “I’ve been told by directors, ‘We’re not going urban. We want something a little more all American,’ and I’m like, ‘Motherfucker I was born in America, what are you talking about?'”