Daisy Schofield
The internet’s obsession with Ozempic feels like a disaster waiting to happen.
Oliver Wight
“My own disappointment was difficult to understand…I felt like admitting that seeing my vagina for the first time was difficult was wrong somehow.”
Jenna Mahale
“I used to think it was cheating, now I know it’s just evening out the playing field in my brain.”
Roisin Lanigan
Experts say that despite what the FYP would have you believe, it’s not a good idea to put peroxide on your teeth or scrape off your own moles.
Sara Radin
This World Menstrual Hygiene Day, let’s call on governments to recognise just how essential period products are – during the pandemic and always.
From indefinitely postponed surgeries to drastically reduced access to safe spaces, the coronavirus lockdown is bringing unique challenges.
James Greig
A new photography book, Through Positive Eyes, shows the importance of representing the condition in all its nuances and diversity.
think piece
Lianne Kersten
Despite the platform’s efforts at moderation, and the rise of body positivity content, pro-ana accounts are easy to find. Here’s what can be done.
Competitive overeating has found a new home (and millions of viewers) on YouTube. But while entertaining, for some people it can be dangerous and triggering.
Douglas Greenwood
By cutting off the constant buzz, many are creating healthier relationships with their phones.