Roisin Lanigan
The change in the law in England and Wales comes as 97% of young women report being a victim of harassment.
Jenna Mahale
The 18-year-old singer opened her new tour with an important message.
Rolien Zonneveld
A NYT investigation has brought the widespread misogyny targeted at models and employees within the company to light.
Sophie Wilkinson
Following recent violent attacks on LGBTQ women and enby individuals, we examine the unique intersection of homophobia and misogyny and ask what can be done.
Jeffrey Ingold
It’s been 10 years since its release but Mariah Carey’s ‘Obsessed’ still resonates today.
Charlotte Gush
As Labour MP Melanie Onn asks parliament to make sexist abuse a hate crime, we consider issues raised around freedom of speech, classism and the fear that men will be banged-up for whistling.
What Happened?
At the only UK date of her What Happened book tour, Hillary described the Russian rigging of the US election a “cyber 9/11” and mused on why Trump likes Putin’s bare chest.
Close the door on your way out. See ya. BYE.
Meghan Murphy
Feminist Current’s Megan Murphy explores the magazine’s recent change of heart towards naked women on its pages.
Donald Trump
We talk a good game about sexism, but still aren’t comfortable with women stepping out of traditional gender roles.