James Greig
A new photography book, Through Positive Eyes, shows the importance of representing the condition in all its nuances and diversity.
Nicole DeMarco
The scene may be lacking in inclusivity, but these skaters are carving out their own space and they’re unapologetically themselves.
André-Naquian Wheeler
Pierre-Louis Ferrer’s haunting ultraviolet photography reveals just how much the sun affects your skin.
Clementine de Pressigny
Students are rising up, rejecting complacency, and demanding the planet — and their futures — be protected. They’re united in one of the most powerful youth-led movements the world has ever seen.
A server migration resulted in the loss of over over 50 million songs that were uploaded from 2003 to 2015.
i-D Staff
As the end of year lists, think pieces and hot takes on all things 2017 roll in, we decided to ask our favorite image-makers to paint a picture of their year through photography. This is Leon Mark’s year in photos.
Álvaro Piñero
See TV’s new favorite couple at the Valmayor Reservoir in Madrid.
Antoine Mbemba
The legendary nightclub was patronized by aristocrats, punks, workers and an LGBT community seeking what we would now refer to as a ‘safe space.’
Social Tribes
Benedetta Pini
What ever happened to the gabbers, the skinheads, the metalheads and the juggalos?
Hannah Ongley
“It’s not Trump’s America — this is the real America.” Czech photographer Marie Tomanova captures the diverse faces of America’s future in over 200 photos.