Hang about outside London‘s BFI Southbank on a Wednesday night and you’re likely to run into Oscar nominees. Like last night, when Timothée Chalamet, the art-throb currently treating his Bob Dylan biopic press tour like performance art, rocked up with Saoirse Ronan, the actor continues to prove with each new film that she’s this generation’s Meryl Streep.
They were there to take part in a sweet, on-stage heart-to-heart, about the movies they made with Greta Gerwig (that’s Lady Bird and Little Women) and the projects they’re expected to get their next Oscar nominations for. But a gathering of stans outside, stretching the spectrum of age and gender, didn’t have tickets. They just wanted to see the stars, hold their hands, get their picture and tell them how much they love them.
People had come from as far afield as Poland to catch a glimpse of the stars. Ronan arrived, a flurry of grace in Louis Vuitton; Chalamet rocked up in a van blasting “I Gotta Feeling” by the Black Eyed Peas. Two girls who just happened to be passing by at the right time, ran right up to the barrier and met him. For 15 minutes afterwards, they ran in circles shrieking ‘Thank you Jesus!’
Below, a handful of the hundreds waiting told us their favourite Timmy and Saoirse movies, the questions they’d ask the duo, and how far they’d travelled to be there.

Tina, 18 and Mia, 19
Wait, do you live in London? T: No, we came from Poland for this. Do you have tickets to go inside? T: No, oh my god. We are just like the biggest fans of Timmy. What time did you get here this morning? M: 11. What’s your favourite Timmy movie? T: Not a hard question, it’s Call Me by Your Name. M: Mine is Dune. What’s the craziest thing you’ve done for him? T: We came to London when he [was in town for] screenings of Dune, and because we didn’t have money for a hotel, we stayed in Leicester Square the whole night. The whole night? M: Yes. It was worth it.

Rhiannon (second from left)
Who are you here for, Timmy or Saoirse? Timothée Chalamet. Give us the lore, why do you love him? Because I saw Call Me by Your Name and I’ve never been affected by a performance like his as Elio. Do you have a ticket to get inside? I do, for the Q&A and the screening of A Complete Unknown. Is there a film of his you haven’t seen? I’ve seen them all except One & Two, which is a very early film. I don’t know where to find it. Do you have a question for Timothée tonight? Is there a chance we will see you as Elio again? I hope he says yes because it’s my birthday today.

Adesuwa, 20 (third from left)
You’re a fan of both Timmy and Saoirse? Very much so. Favourite film of each? Timothée would be Bones and All. Saoirse, probably Brooklyn. What’s the craziest thing you’e done for either of them? Probably my BeReal with Timothée Chalamet at the Wonka premiere. I asked him to re-take it three times. I haven’t met Saoirse but today I will. What movie of these actors haven’t you seen? I’m excited to see Saoirse in The Outrun. Timmy? I fear I’ve seen all of his movies. Do you have a question you’d like to ask? I’d ask both of them how they kept motivated when things were quiet in their early years.

Michaela, 23 (first on left)
Where are you from? Italy. But you live in London? Yes, I would have travelled here. Anything for him. Die-hard. How far back does the lore go? Since the first day I saw Call Me by Your Name. I couldn’t get him out of my head. If you were to get inside, what’s a question you’d ask him? How does it feel to be the actor of our generation?

Amy, 21 (center)
Tell me about your Saoirse fandom. It began with Little Women, and I’ve since gone down the rabbit hole and seen everything else. I’m half Irish so I’m claiming the inheritance there. I think she picks great projects and everyone she aces. Is there a film you haven’t seen yet but want to? The Lovely Bones, but they keep taking it off streaming services. Are you coming into the Q&A? I’m not, I got rejected from the ballot three times. Three times? I’m a BFI member for a reason, guys! But I’m going to The Outrun afterwards. What’s a question you’d ask them? What kind of project would they make if they worked together again. Would it be a rom-com or would they go rogue and do a horrific thriller?

Dina, 22, Charlotte, 17 and Rosie, 17
Let’s talk about the origins of your standom. C: For me it was Little Women. It’s my favourite film of all time. My comfort film. R: Same for me! D: With Timmy, I started with The King and then saw Call Me by Your Name. Do any of you have tickets for the Q&A? C: Nope! We’re in the overflow queue just in case. If you were inside, what questions would you ask them? C: I wrote some before I got rejected. Let me find it. [Charlotte scrolls her Notes app.] I’d ask: [A Complete Unknown] seems to explore identity and transformation in a unique way. What drew you to the project and how did you approach embodying a character in a story like this?

Sophie, 23 and Nathan, 25
Who drew you here? S: Timmy, I’m not gonna lie. What’s your favourite movies from the two? S: Probably Beautiful Boy for Timmy and Little Women for Saoirse – or them both! N: Call Me by Your Name for Timmy! Are you guys going inside? S: We’re in the overflow, so let’s keep our fingers crossed. What would you ask him if you got inside? S: Do you think I’m cute?