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    Now reading: gangly are the reykjavik trio soundtracking perpetual darkness


    gangly are the reykjavik trio soundtracking perpetual darkness

    Made up of members from three of Iceland's biggest bands, this lot are trying something new.


    “Gangly means tall, thin, and awkward, as we are,” explain the Icelanders behind the quite dark, very beautiful project of the same name. “We’re always trying to break free from this awkwardness we all have about ourselves, but it’s a part of us and we should just embrace it. Just be Gangly, it’s fine.” Reassuring words there from Sindri Már Sigfússon of SinFang, Úlfur of Oyama, and Jófríður Ákadóttir of Samaris, a trio who fell into working with each other a little over two years ago and despite their successes elsewhere, don’t consider themselves a supergroup because, “musicians in Reykjavik collaborate all the time!”

    Another collaboration they’re onto a good thing with is with their visual artist, whose 3D animated videos full of slow-moving gold shapes; bones and human figures and plants and so on, is like a really awesome take on the opening to NETFLIX series The Crown – but with a better soundtrack. While Holy Grounds grabbed our attention out of the blue back in September before we knew their identities, new single Blow Out is an emotional electronic number about a relationship that just won’t “fit right” however hard you try. With a heavy heart, give this a go and get to know the band below.

    Hello GANGLY! Do you remember the first time you met?
    No, not specifically. We have always been around each other, Reykjavik is a small space.

    Do you think the project sounds like equal parts all three of you? Or something separate, new and unexpected?
    Both. This project pushes us to find something new and special. It’s nice to work together and learn from each other, each bringing a certain experience to the project that then bleeds into everything organically.

    You all play in multiple projects. Have you found that what you’re doing with GANGLY has carried over and influenced other projects?
    Not hugely, Gangly is in a totally different headspace. Its about trying something new.

    Why was it important to stay anonymous at first?
    We were not trying to be anonymous, we lead with the videos and aesthetic and everyone assumed that that was the intention.

    What was the best reaction you got when revealing your identities?
    We were not focused on who made up Gangly but on the music and the visuals, some people just investigated and found out. It was funny being at parties and hearing our song come on and people like theorising about who was behind it.

    Something feels quite dark about GANGLY to us. Would you agree?
    Yes, its two sides of the same coin though… We like the Gangly stuff to be a bit dark. Exploring negative and sad feelings and moods that affect us all but giving it a shining and visceral vibe.

    What’s Blow Out all about then?
    It’s about trying to make things work with a person, but things not feeling the right way. Like, when you are in the arms of the other person, you don’t seem to fit there, no matter how much you try and adjust your size, by breathing in and holding your breath or emptying your lungs.

    Who do you work with on the 3D animated visuals? And how does the video represent that?
    We work with an incredible animator from UNDIR Studios in Reykjavik who we have known a long time and is very close to the project and its concept, involved from the very start. So making the visuals was quite straight forward and organic.

    What film do you think GANGLY would best soundtrack?
    Into The Void would be interesting – dark, could fit us well. Although we do not make violent music, I find there is some underlying violence in our lyrics and aesthetics. Ghost In The Shell (1995) could also be cool.

    How will you be spending Christmas day?
    Some of us in ten feet of snow and perpetual darkness, and the others on the other side of the world where it’s sunny and warm.
