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    Now reading: From nude sunbathing to surfers: i-D’s 10 best summer photo series


    From nude sunbathing to surfers: i-D’s 10 best summer photo series

    As the summer heat finally arrives, we highlight photographers who've captured the hottest months of the year in all their glory.


    Call it a crisis or an opportunity to top up your tan: the weather this week is obscenely hot. While people in London — a place traditionally shrouded in grey — sweat and complain for several days straight at the idea of being this warm, there are places better suited to deal with these climates. Brooklyn has beaches, where locals and city-dwellers alike escape as the temperature creeps up. In many of mainland Europe’s southern countries, young people form sun-blushed Mediterranean love stories over the course of their summers. Meanwhile, Hawaii’s framing as a paradise beckons tourists in their thousands every year — the draw of sandy beaches and natural wildlife hiding the impact their presence has on the locals.

    So, from Korean summers to the soul searching youth on the southern shores of Europe, here are 10 photo stories that eternalise the feeling of life spent under the beaming sun.

    Follow i-D on Instagram and TikTok for more photography.
